Even nowadays most Maasai families stick to their old traditions when it comes to food and nutrition. That means: ugali (a sticky mash out of maize flour), milk and meat are the main components of every dish. We give you the chance to get a taste of a Maasai Barbecue with us. It will be the culinaric highlight of your stay in the Maasai Mara.

For a barbecue “a la Maasai” we mostly use the meat of goat or cow. Since a cow is very big and precious to our families, we slaughter this animal just for very special occasions like weddings, circumcision celebrations etc. A goat on the other hand is smaller and more common to be eaten.
Depending on your wish, group size and appetite we can either prepare a whole goat (which we slaughter on our own) or just a part bought from our local butchery. If you want to learn and experience everything that there is to know about the preparation of our barbecue, we would recommend you to go for the whole animal.
The Barbecue
For the barbecue itself we light a bonfire and use sticks to put the meat on. On the open flames the meat is roasted until it’s unbelievably crispy and tasty. Some parts of the goat are used to make our very powerful Maasai soup, a delicious treat especially loved by our children. You will see that no part of the animal is going to waste – as Maasai we use everything. For the sides we can offer you a variety of typical Maasai and Kenyan choices like Ugali, Kachumbari (tomato-onion salad) or Sukuma (green vegetables similar to spinach). Potatoes or Rice are also possible.
Our dinner is of course accompanied by our traditionally self-brewed beer out of the fruits of the sausage tree and natural honey. Enjoy!