15. July 2018

Wildlife & Culture Extended – 8 Days Maasai Mara and Samburu

Maasai Dance

You want to enjoy an out-of-the-ordinary safari where you get to know people and wildlife from an inside perspective? Then this itinerary is perfect for you. We visit the Maasai Mara, find the Big 5, sleep in a Maasai Village and learn more about this traditional culture. In Nakuru we find the endangered rhinos and in Samburu we get very close and personal to the Big 5. One full-day activity with either lions, Rhino or orphaned baby elephants. This 8-Day safari delivers you the full package and helps you making the most out of your trip!

 ***** With Namayiana Safaris you can be part of the Maasai experience!

Sabache Camp


  • Game drives, park fees and transport as per description
  • Accomodation in tented-camps with Safari tents, own bathroom, hot showers and real beds
  • optional stay in a Maasai village on day 2
  • a typical Maasai Barbecue
  • all cultural activities you want to experience with the Maasai people on Day 3
  • Lion walk, Rhino tracking or elephant orphanage day tour in Samburu
Elephant Calf and Wilderbeest


This very special safari itinerary can be just organized as a private safari. It's a very unique safari, that's not done by many. Please contact us for an offer created just for you namayianasafaris@gmail.com





Day 1 Nairobi to Maasai Mara
After an early pick up in Nairobi we make our way into the Maasai Mara. We stop at the Rift Valley View Point and arrive in our camp in time for lunch.
We get to know our home for the next nights, fresh up and have a tea. This evening we go for an evening game drive into the National Reserve and start searching for the awesome animals the Mara is famous for. After sunset we leave for our camp, enjoy a yummy dinner and sit around the campfire.

Day 2 Full Day Game Drive
Today we start very early with breakfast and try to be at the gate right at the opening hours. This is the best time to track wild animals and probably find the one or the other while hunting or enjoying breakfast. We make our way up to the Mara River, where - during the month of July and August - the great migration of wildebeests and zebras is taking place. Here we have lunch. Afterwards we continue our drive through the Mara and search for the Big 5.
After returning to camp we relax, take a shower and pack our things for the night. For those of you who want to, we will stay this night in a Maasai Village and have a traditional Barbecue there. If you prefer staying in Fisi Camp, that is possible as well.

Day 3 Maasai Culture
This day we are going to discover the culture and traditions of the Maasai people. We start with milking the cows and have a typical Maasai breakfast. After that we discover our surroundings by feet and learn about tracks and signs of animals and different plants and their medical use. If you want we can even climb a nearby mountain and have a picnic lunch while enjoying the view. In the afternoon you can either decide on going on another game drive, make your own jewelry out of beads with the help of our ladies, visit our local school, learn the skills of the Warriors or just enjoy the completely different lifestyle while relaxing in our village.
This night we sleep and have dinner in Fisi Camp. 

Day 4 Maasai Mara to Nakuru
After the adventurous last days you may want to sleep in and relax, but if you still can't get enough you can either go for a morning game drive or walking safari. After breakfast we slowly start making our way to Nakuru. It's a bit of a ride, but we will have a lunch break on the way and - if you like - we can also organize a boatride on Lake Naivasha. This fresh water lake is home to several birds ad many hippos and a boat ride here adds a different type of safari to your adventures. In the afternoon we arrive in our hotel Lanet Matfam in Nakuru. Here you can enjoy some hours at the pool and relax after the hours travelling.

Day 5 Nakuru to Samburu
Today we enjoy a half-day game drive into Lake Nakuru National Park. This park is famous for being home to the endangered white and black rhinos. If we didn't find the rhino in the Mara here we have the chance to see and admire them. Nakuru is also home to the Rothschild's giraffe and sometimes also some Flamingos go fishing in the shallow lake water. After lunch we make our way to Samburu and our camp for the next nights - Sabache Camp. If time allows, we enjoy an evening game drive into the Samburu reserve.

Day 6 Full-Day Safari in Samburu
Today we enjoy a full-day in the Samburu reserve. The landscape here is totally different from our previous safari parks. It's very dry and animals here are perfectly adapted to this hard conditions. We find grevy Zebras, reticular giraffes, oryx and many other antelopes and gazelles. We are also hoping to see the very rare wild dogs and get a good glimpse of leopards. Later we return back to our camp and enjoy a nice dinner.

Day 7 Wildlife Interaction
Today we have 3 different activities to choose from. Close to our camp is the Reteti Elephant Orphanage. Enjoy a day with the babies there, help making their milk and learn what needs to be done to reintroduce them to the wild.
If you are more into the horned greys, we can offer you one day with the rhino rangers of the nearby rhino conservancy. Help monitoring and tracking these endangered animals and learn about anti-poaching work.
The third possibility is the Lion Warrior Project, where you go on a walk to find the big cats, learn about reading tracks and more bush skills.

If you want to go for another game drive into the Samburu reserve or other nearby conservancies, we can also go for a full-day here.

Day 8 Samburu to Nairobi
Today we have to say goodbye to Samburu and Sabache Camp. If time allows it, we try to go for a morning game drive, otherwise we make our Long way back to Nairobi. We have lunch on the way and arrive in the afternoon in Kenyas capital.


In the Mara you will sleep in FISI CAMP, a small eco-friendly tented camp with amazing views and daily visits of our wildlife. Marie and Ken from Ireland are running this mid-range camp with all their heart and passion. FISI CAMP is situated right at the border of Maasai Mara National reserve and supports the Maasai community of the area. You will sleep in spacious safari tents with adjacent bathrooms, hot showers and real beds.

In Nakuru we Sleep in LANET MATFAM Hotel with a pool Right next to the national park.

In Samburu we will sleep in SABACHE CAMP, also working together with the local community and equipped with cozy safari tents and hopefully with wildlife visits of the resident leopard and wild dog pack.

Fisi Camp in the Mara
Fisi Camp Tent
Dominique Review 2
White Rhino 2
White Rhino calf